Whenever I think of wallets, I always recall the Seinfeld episode called “The Wallet” and George’s exploding wallet. If you’ve seen this you know how funny it is. If you haven’t the clip is below. Enjoy the laughs.
George’s wallet is still alive today. It’s been slimmed down but we’re still carrying it around.
How many times have you lost your wallet?
How many times have you forgotten your wallet?
Maybe you’ve even had your’s stolen.
I think the only thing misplaced more than a wallet, is your keys.
Does anyone even like carrying a wallet? Of course the answer is no!
So why are we still carrying these things around?
We’re able to take civilians to space and have items we purchase online at our doorstep in under 24 hours, yet we still need to carry wallets around.
Here are the items that fill most wallets:
Driver’s License or State ID
Credit or Debit Cards (Personal and/or Business)
Health Insurance Card
Vaccination Card
Proof of Auto Insurance Card
Department Store Cards
Membership Cards
All of the above items have in some form been made available online or have replaced the physical form of them through apps.
Recently it was announced that some states are now allowing driver’s licenses and state IDs to be uploaded in the Apple wallet app. This should be made available in every state.
Certain states have even rolled out a verified digital record system for vaccination card storage. People in these states are able to store their vaccination card online in a verified database. One less thing they need to carry with them.
If these two highly personal pieces of sensitive data can be stored and viewed on an app, there is no reason every card can’t be replaced and placed onto a centralized app.
Credit cards can be uploaded in your phone to pay via PayPal, Apple pay, Google pay etc. If you have not done this you’re really missing out. Many times I will decide where to go make a purchase if I know they take Apple pay. Swipe your phone and on you go. No need to carry your wallet there.
We’re still missing one centralized app where all these items can linked to one database and stored on one app. Apple has a start on this concept with their wallet app. But it’s not near the point of having one spot where you can link all of the above items.
It may eventually come but it has taken far too long. Here is the call to action for someone to develop a centralized app where everything in your wallet can be retrieved on a single app. If you know of any available or being developed, please share the good news!
We may be inching closer, but I look forward to celebrating the day where I can finally ditch my wallet.
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