My wife and I recently visited our favorite restaurant with our kids. A few years ago this restaurant gave us one of the most memorable evenings we’ve ever experienced at a restaurant.
I don’t recall what we all ordered or what was all discussed that evening. But I do remember how we felt.
I also recently had a friend of mine surprise me with a gift of a bottle of bourbon.
What we discussed or what type of bourbon he gave me isn’t what I remember. What I remember is how I felt.
This brings me to this quote from Maya Angelou.
" People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel" -Maya Angelou
People never forget how you make them feel.
By giving people a memorable experience you create a feeling they’ll never forget.
Giving people a bad experience will also give people a feeling they never forget.
Think of how many memorable experiences that you’ve experienced in your life. How did they make you feel? What stood out?
They all will center around one thing, giving people more than they expect.
When a business gives more than is expected to create a memorable experience that business is now viewed on an entirely different level.
When this occurs you’ll hear things like.
There is no comparison, or nothing compares.
Instead of liking you or your business, they’ll now “love you”.
They will happily and gladly tell others about their experience.
They’ll share how you went above and beyond by surpassing expectations.
The words genuine, thoughtful and appreciative will come to mind.
You have a customer/client for life
By having this mindset you can eliminate competition by putting yourself in a class of your own.
Being on par or with the crowd doesn’t make you memorable. You don’t stand out or separate. You’re like everyone else. Your company is like everyone else. Exceed ordinary or average.
It’s not about what you can get, it’s about what you can give.
It’s the unexpected that creates memorable experiences.
Give people more than they expect. They’ll never forget it.
The Coffee Table ☕
I recently saw this and it really made me think. If you need a reason not to wait and to get done whatever it is you want to get done. Remember this visual. Stop waiting!

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