Kids are only young once. Create memories, not regrets.
Toys provide kids temporary satisfaction. The experiences and time spent doing things together is what are remembered by both kids and parents.
We always want more money, a bigger house, another house, more toys, more clients, more followers etc. No matter how much we achieve, more always exists.
Time doesn’t stand still for anyone. It eventually runs out and no amount of money can buy more of it.
Good health is one of the most overlooked and taken for granted things in our lives. If you don’t have your health, you have nothing.
Manage stress by working out, meditation and yoga. If you don’t, it can overwhelm you personally and professionally.
Having no time is an excuse. We make time for what matters.
'“When you’re young, you have so much time but never enough money. When you’re old you have money but never enough time.” Jon Boorman
You’re the steering wheel but your employees are the engine.
If you can afford it, do it.
Be early. Rushing only creates issues and problems.
Nobody cares about you as much as you do. Quit worrying what others think. Live a life true to yourself. Do what you want and not what others expect of you.
Don’t be a sheep. Lead and blaze new trails.
“Do not go where the path may lead, instead go where there is no path and leave a trail” Ralph Waldo Emerson
No client or deal is more important than your family.
Hoarding money doesn’t bring joy. Spend it on experiences and/or your kids before you’re all too old.
Investing can be as easy or as complex as you make it.
Smile at fear. What’s the worst that can happen?
You get what you pay for. The cheapest of anything usually turns out to be the worst option.
Loyalty is a two-way street.
Honesty instills trust, which breeds success.
Call your clients before they call you. Don’t give a reason to shop you and your services.
Not every customer is worth it.
If it were easy everyone would be doing it.
Prioritize and subtract things to focus on the most important.
Avoid the extremes one way or the other. Balance is the key to life.
When you get to the top of the mountain, there is nothing to see up there. Be sure the journey and sacrifices along the way are worth it.
More money doesn’t make you happier.
Create joy by treating yourself to things. Being filled with excitement and anticipation just like you were as a kid is one of life’s greatest feelings. The feeling never gets old.
You can’t satisfy everyone. It’s ok to say no.
Don’t do things or go places you don’t want to go. Focus your time and your family’s time on what makes you all happy.
Learning isn’t done in a classroom. It’s done by doing.
Share, teach, help and mentor others. It’s one of the most rewarding professional accomplishments you’ll achieve.
Your greatest teacher is going to be the books that you read.
Social media is one of the biggest wastes of time in our lives.
Be kind, it costs nothing and it’s truly how people remember you.
Be thankful everyday for what you have, not what you don’t have.
Leave no regrets. Live your best life. You only have one.
The Coffee Table ☕
I came across the below tweet and have read it a few times. That told me it’s worth sharing with you. It’s so simplistic, yet so many people try to overthink things. The perspective we have determines the routes we travel.

Ramp Capital wrote a good piece called A Life Unoptimized. It looked at what in life is worth optimizing and what isn’t. Where do priorities fit in and how that can help lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life. Enjoyed reading this.
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