One of the biggest excuses that I hear from people is, “I don’t have time.” It always makes me wonder, is that a truthful answer? Or is it just taking the easy way out?
We don’t know if someone is truly busy. What one person may view as busy, another may view as not busy. Each person has a different set of priorities.
Something that we have to ask ourselves is what are we busy with that we don’t have time?
This always leads me back to a chapter from Debbie Millman in Tim Ferriss’s book Tribe of Mentors. In it Tim asks Debbie if she could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say? Her response, “Busy is a decision.”
When I read this the first time I blurted out an emphatic, Yes! All my life I have heard this and to me that has always seemed like an excuse. My interpretation of that answer is, that’s just not a priority for me and I don’t want to do it. But it sounds better to say “I don’t have time.” The truth is you have others things that you would rather do instead.
How are you using your time? What is your priority?
Money can always be made again. Time cannot. You can’t buy back more time. It stands still for no one. It’s life’s most precious commodity.
Make time for what matters.