The propeller to every business’s growth is their ability to continually find new clients. But this is also one of the biggest challenges facing most businesses.
It has become harder than ever to reach people. Nobody answers their phone from unknown phone numbers. Listening to voicemails seems to be optional to many. What used to be accomplished by knocking on doors and cold calling out of a phone book has long passed.
Now the challenge is how do you get your message out in front of prospective clients in a few seconds time and also create an urgency or reason for them to contact you or your business?
Yes it sounds hard and it is challenging. But people will click or search for something if you’ve made an impression and given them a reason to do so. Here are some ways to thrive in the modern sales and marketing world.
Start With Who
Before you get into your marketing and who you’re going to prospect to, you need to know who your target client is. Find your niche. If you can’t clearly explain who is your targeted client, you need to start here.
I wrote a post on this called Who Is Your Customer? Identify and market to who you want as customers.
Researching You or Your Company
If a prospective client is researching you or your business what are they going to find? You know they’re going online before they reach out to you. They’re going to search Google for your name or your business name. Like it or not this is how people evaluate and review what their going to buy or who they’re going to do business with.
That brings up the questions, what are they going to find? How is your Google rating? Keep on top of your Google rating. Anything under a 4-star rating raises questions.
How does your website look? What does your website communicate to them? It’s vital that your website speaks to the client that you’re targeting. Your website is today’s business card. Be sure it’s clear, easy to navigate, up-to-date and makes a good first impression.
Marketing to Prospective Clients
Once you’ve identified who it is you want as a client and what people will find when they research you or your company, you now have to determine how it is you’re going to market to them so they contact you.
There are numerous ways to advertise and promote yourself or your business. The marketing opportunities are really endless. There are entire books on this subject. These are what I’ve found have worked best for us.
Billboards- These can often get costly but have you tried them to see the results? You may be surprised how many new prospects mention them. Consider strategically placing them as the costs vary by location. A way to save money with them is to look at splitting the billboard in half with another business. This may allow you to get one in a prime location you want. Don’t waste space with your address, phone, email or any other contact information. Nobody is writing it down or taking a picture of it while driving. They’re going to Google you or your business’s name. Clean, large print, and easy to read is your focus.
Direct Mailings- Snail mail does still work. You still see it everyday. The problem is most of what’s mailed is trying to speak to everyone. When in reality it’s speaking to nobody. Craft something that catches their attention and speaks to them. Are you sending postcards that are the same as your billboard? They see you while driving and now see your mini postcards in their mailbox. Do you send customized mailers to households that fit your criteria or niche market for who you want as a client? Mailing done strategically can have great results.
Winning Back Past Clients- Everyone loses clients. Some you may not want back but what about the ones you’d like back? I wrote an entire post on this subject called Winning Back Past Clients: It all begins the day they leave.
Referrals- Do you have a formal program? Are you advertising and letting your current clients know about it? Be sure you reward people who refer business to you. It’s a way of saying thank you to someone else who’s doing the vetting and pursuing of others for you. They’re literally advertising for you. Some of our best clients came via referrals. Many operate very successful businesses for a long time working off just referrals. There is a reason.
COIs/Other Business Relationships- Have you formed relationships with other businesses? If there are people in other businesses or industries where you can help each other, make the connection. Offer solutions for problems that they may face. Help make their job easier. Like referrals, many businesses operate very successfully by just working the business that others send them.
Your Hot List- If there are people that you work with but are unsuccessful in closing make sure you have a running list to contact them again. As you meet people or anytime you come across someone that you’d like to do business with, put them on a list so you’re sure to reach out to them. You can refer back to this list and then contact them by email, text or phone. Many programs which help make this easier fit the bill, just be sure you’re using one daily.
Email Marketing- This is of the best ways to get your message directly out to a large group of prospects. Similar to direct mailing, they will see it. It’s up to you to make sure it’s worth opening and reading. If you’re going to send an email make sure it’s worth their time. Too many send emails just to send emails and that is where unsubscribes and junk emails stem from. Provide a beneficial message or reason for sending the email. Educate, inform and offer solutions to serve their needs. Customize your message and fit it for the client you’re speaking to.
When I say customize something, actually customize it. Write a handwritten message. Say something different than everyone else does. Don’t blend in and be like the rest. If you do, then there is no reason for someone to contact you. You need to stand out. Think outside the box. Innovate and be different. It’s what works and gets the best results.
The Coffee Table ☕
Morgan Housel had a post that I really enjoyed called All Together Now. He talked about how so many follow the thoughts and emotions of others. This can be characterized as groupthink, tribalism, following the herd or however you want to classify it. Simply put, more people need to think for themselves.
Doug Boneparth who writes
had an interview with Twitter favorite CarDealershipGuy. The interview was written about in his post In the driver’s seat. He spoke to what he is seeing in the rapidly changing auto market and tips for car buyers.The WSJ had a good article about how the banking crisis could result in tighter credit for small and medium-sized businesses. Companies Big and Small Lose Access to Credit Amid Bank Stress. Josh Brown also wrote another great post on the subject titled A shock to lending standards. In it he shared this excellent chart from BofA.

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