The start of spring and warm weather is always a love-hate time for parents. It means that the activities and running around is about to reach maximum capacity.
As my wife and I started to plan out the coming weeks, we looked at each and thought, what the heck did we do? Every night is something, whether it’s swimming, skating, t-ball, hockey, softball, basketball or something else that I’m probably forgetting.
We aren’t any different than other parents. All parents are busy and most let you know it too. When we’re with other parents it seems like a challenge to compare to find out who’s busier. Like there is a winner to be determined. But is that a bad thing?
I actually enjoy it. Some nights we have to split up who takes which kid where and it seems we’re running non-stop. They’re only this age once. I know we’ll look back and say, wow time flew by. Our kids love it and are having fun. So it’s worth it.
There are sacrifices to having active kids. This makes me reflect on what it is I’m chasing to do. What I’m chasing will differ from what you’re chasing. We’re each on a different schedule. We’re all chasing something different. But is what we’re chasing taking us away from the current moment? Is it causing us to miss the now?
At times our participation in the moment can feel like we’re on autopilot. Almost like we’re sleepwalking through it. You’re longing for something that you view as more important than the current. Your focus is on the future. What you’re chasing is time.
In today’s fast pace society it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of always chasing the next big thing. Whether it’s career success, money or the next stages in our lives. We’re constantly bombarded with messages that tell us to keep going after more and more.
Setting goals and ambitions are important but they often dwarf all else and we forget to appreciate the present moment and the present successes.
No matter how much we achieve, there is always another level to reach, more money to be made and we never feel truly satisfied or fulfilled.
Living in the present is one of the most difficult things to do. Continually caught up in thoughts of the past and worried about the future. We want more time. Everyone always wants more time.
I don’t know what the future holds. Neither do you. Nobody does. Quit worrying about the unknown. Stop, look around, enjoy today and appreciate the stage you’re in now. The next will come soon enough.

What you’re chasing cannot be judged by anyone else. It’s your decision and your life.
Is what you’re focused on, worth focusing on? Is what you’re chasing, worth chasing?
Be sure you’re focused and chasing the right things.

The Coffee Table ☕
Population 458- Meeting Your Neighbors One Siren at a Time by Michael Perry. I first read this book on our honeymoon plane ride to Italy ten years ago. I enjoyed it so much that I just read it again. The author Michael Perry lives in WI and tells the story of small-town life being a firefighter in a comic, heartbreaking and lovely way about the things that matter. It resonates with me as I also grew up in a small-town in WI and was on the fire department there for five years. A beautifully written book.
I enjoyed Michael Batnick’s post called Lucky in Life. He reflects back on a story about how luck played a role in his life. Looking back some lucky breaks can really define our paths whether we realize it at the time or not. Nicely written piece.
Tim Ferriss interviewed his friend Derek Sivers on his recent podcast. #668 Derek Sivers. I could listen to these two talk for hours. It turned out they did talk for almost three hours! But it sure didn’t seem that long. Derek is one of the best modern day thinkers and communicators. Tim is the best interviewer currently going. Such a combination. An informative, interesting and funny conversation with lots of notes taken.
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