Not long ago, I received a nice gift from a friend of mine. When he handed it to me, I was surprised and asked him what it was for.
He said what I had told him about creating a Get It Done List changed his life. His head is clearer so he can focus more on getting things done and doesn’t forget near what he used to. It has made his life easier.
When he told me this gift was the least he could do to thank me, it made me realize that there may be more people who could benefit from what I told him.
What exactly is a Get It Done List?
It’s similar to the traditional To Do List, but with a twist.
A To Do List is a collection of things people want to do. Usually there is no timeframe or urgency to get things on their list done. They feel like they have an infinite amount of time to complete them. You’ll get to them, when you get to them.
Go ahead and say it like you have thousands of times. I’ll get to it, when I get to it.
A Get It Done List is different. This is a list of things you need to get done. It’s how you hold yourself accountable.
For an item to go on this list, means within the next day or week, I want to cross that item off. The key, is the time element.
For my Get It Done List, I assign a maximum time of two weeks for an item to be on the list. It can’t be on there longer than that. If it isn’t done within the two weeks, I need to understand why. Time needs to be made to get it completed.
Everything that I need or want to do in the coming hours, days or two weeks goes on this list. Things I have to pickup or order. Things I need to do for my wife, kids, employees or businesses. Certain duties or activities that I need to complete or plan. As things come up or pop in your head, they go on this list.
Things you want to get done, go on the Get It Done List.
The mental makeup of the list is where the magic comes in. You look at this list in the morning, mid-day and at night. It could be numerous time a day because it’s where you know things are listed that need to get done.
When you head certain places, you will look at this list to see if you need to pick something up, or can stop another place close by to cross something else off. It’s like your personal assistant.
If you want to continue being a master procrastinator, stop reading. If you want to see where to keep your Get It Done List, let’s look at some ideas.
When I started my Get It Done List, I began with a traditional yellow legal pad. Yes, I know terrible choice. I had yellow pages of paper all over the place. A total mess!
From there I went to a notebook. That worked better, but it wasn’t always with me when I needed it. I was always having to go find it.
Then I went to a small moleskin notebook. It was handier and I could carry it easier within my briefcase or backpack, but it started to have the same drawbacks as my notebook.
They’re all retired now.
Away from the physical items I went. Using my phone was just way to handy.
I started with Apple notes. It worked very well.
But then I discovered Evernote. Evernote has become one of my best friends. That’s where my Get It Done List as well as all my ideas, notes and everything else has resided now for many years.
It syncs to both my phone and laptop.
It’s an app on my phone as well as my laptop. When I open it up, the list instantly pops up. My favorite part is regardless where I want to open it up, it instantly syncs and is always up to date.
You, me, everyone always has their phone within reaching distance. So whenever something comes to mind that you need to do, you can just grab your phone and add it.
There are a number of apps and programs like Evernote that work the same way. Use what you like best.
The joy of a Get It Done List comes when you see a blank list. When is last time you’ve experienced that feeling of having everything done that you need to do? Talk about a sigh of relief!
There is a treat to reward yourself with when this happens. Think of what you enjoy and do it. What do you like doing to treat yourself?
Getting a coffee at your favorite coffee stop
Breakfast or lunch at your favorite local restaurant
Going to get a massage, pedicure or manicure
Having your favorite dessert, candy or sweet treat
Leaving work a little early to go shopping
Taking a day off
Letting yourself sleep in or taking a nap
Once you get your list done and cleared, reward yourself with something you enjoy.
My list was long this week. I didn’t think I’d see a blank page for a long time.
Today my list looks like this.
It may not last like this all day, but since the page was clear and all the things I need to get done, are done. I’m rewarding myself.
Tomorrow I’m going to have breakfast before work at my favorite breakfast spot.
Challenge yourself, but then reward yourself. Add that little spice in your life. Make life fun, while also making your life a little easier.
The Coffee Table ☕
- wrote a great piece called Most Americans are better off financially now than before the pandemic. So many good points backed up by charts and data. I don’t think all of this is known by most people. Well worth reading to get an understanding of where things really are at.
I enjoyed Darius Foroux’s post on dreams called If You Want to Achieve Your Dreams, You Have to Be A Little Crazy. Darius is correct in how he shapes attacking your crazy dreams. It makes you think and reevaluate your plan in how you’re attacking a dream.
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